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hharney 03-03-07 09:52 AM

2007 337 Flyers Video
The Michigan Flyers have already begun the long and gruling process of producing this years spectacular video presentation. This film will be debuted at the Skymaster Fly-in gathering in Port Lucuya. You don't want to miss this special event. See the home page for exciting details to register for the Fly-in.

As you can just imagine the process to create these unique movies, is more than overwelming. At times we have to "start the engines" 3 or 4 times a day on our specially equiped 337 platforms, to laydown the fresh tracks in the air and on the ground. This can be very time consuming on weekends. In fact we sacrafice our families, sports events, work duties and sometimes even food to get that perfect shot. But we, the Michigan Flyers are a dedicated group that has gone far beyond the normal 337 weekend pancake breakfast. After the constant sound of IO-360's racing in our ears for hours at a time, we the Michigan Flyers shut the doors on the editing suite and loose hours and hours time that can never be found again. This editing procedure is less known to those naive to the editing process. But those unknown to this can compare it to watching snow melt during a February Michigan winter. You need to understand one thing, the Michigan Flyers will persist and deliver.

As the Michigan Flyers CLP (chief lead pilot) I want to personally extend an invitation to those who have tackled this incrediable feat of air to air or ground to air video. If you have or know of video that has been captured in some format of 336, 337 or 0-2 aircraft it can be featured in this 2007 special video collection. Please see below:


The Michigan Flyers are actively searching for Skymaster video footage. If you have any footage on any format it may possibly be used in this years special video collection being presented in Port Lucuya at the Skymaster Fly-in. Send your video to the address below or contact Herb for any questions you may have about this exclusive opportunity.

Herb Harney
2023 Palmerton Ct NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

How about photos? Yes, we will take your photos. There will be a photo video that will be featured on this years collection. E mail your photos, (large files over 2 MB should be burned to disc and mailed please) and these can also possibly be used. Now that's easy. Most everyone has photos. One or two of each aircraft is sufficent.

OK Speilburg's, get to work. You still have time to rush to the hanger and shoot some 2007 featured footage. Have fun and for pete's sake BE SAFE!

Stay tuned for exciting trailers from this years video.

Jerry De Santis 03-03-07 08:15 PM

As one of the Michigan fliers I second what Herb as said! It is really really hard having to fly all those hours to get a few seconds of film done. Oh well, someone has to do it!

It would sure be nice if some other skymaster drivers close to Michigan will help us out with this most difficult task and do some flying with us. We promise, your plane and your name will appear in the film!!!!!


Ed Kalis 03-14-07 07:06 AM

Looks like fun, I might join in if I get last years hay sold and have some money left. but then my wife might loan me alittle fuel money. Working hard now finishing up annual, so keep me posted. Hay man!

Jerry De Santis 03-14-07 09:11 AM

Hello Hay Man!

Are you base at MOP? Been about six months since I gave away some of my money at the casino. Next time I fly up I'l look you up.


Ed Kalis 03-15-07 02:24 AM

Yes I'm at MOP, hanger #8. Farm is first one west of Winn, about 11 miles south west of MOP. Isabella county thanks you for your donations, When I was a county commissioner local gov. got 2% of net from electric gaming and now thats about 3 million annualy. That is how the airport got the new heated corp. hanger.

hharney 03-15-07 06:23 PM

OK Michigan Flyers let's get that the snow has melted (Larry) I think we need to plan a video shoot out. All planes, cameras and operators stand by.

I would like to meet at OSC (oscoda) 200 ft wide 11,800 ft long. I just need to know when we should all gather. Any thoughts? How about Sunday? Anyone interested?

We need to get some film for this next project. Let me know.

Jerry De Santis 03-15-07 07:54 PM

I'm ready! Just say when.


Dale Campbell 03-19-07 08:19 AM

Photo Shoot
Hi guys,
Who said the snow melted? We are in north eastern Penna. and just got 15 more inches of that white stuff. This morning it is 9 degree F with wind chill below "0". My hanger is still unreachable and it is March 19th. Who said Spring starts this week. If I ever get out of hanger I would like to join in on the film shoot. Let me know when the dates are. Dale Campbell

WebMaster 03-19-07 08:31 AM

The snow melted at my hangar, now I can get it over to the shop for mx, and then I can join in the fun. However, it snowed this morning, just enough to make it slippery.
SNOW is definitely a 4 letter word.

Dale Campbell 03-19-07 09:34 AM

F--ken Snow
Hi Larry,
Your right ! I spent 10 hours plowing snow at my business, my daughters business, my home, cottage and family homes. Then I shoveled sidewalks and today my back is killing me. I can't wait for summer. The only good thing is today the sun is out with not a cloud in the sky. Maybe some of this snow will melt. I also plan on plowing out the hanger, if I can get away from work early. I am 66 years old and should be retired, but my wife said if I retire the 337 will have to go. That is the only reason I am still working. Dale

skymstr02 03-19-07 01:24 PM

Its going to be in the 80's all this week in central Mississippi. I need some of that ice for my drink.

kevin 03-19-07 02:54 PM

You know, you and Paul ( ) really make it tough on us folks in the frozen north.

Ice for your drinks, whales swimming in clear ocean waters, it's enough to give a poor guy with cabin fever a headache.

hharney 03-23-07 08:43 PM

Let's fly tomorrow. I still want to go to Oscoda OSC. Let's plan to meet in the air near OSC around 10:30 AM. 123.40 freq. for Michigan Flyers. I will have cameras and tripods ready to film anyone that would like to join.

Anyone is welcome to join us.

WebMaster 03-24-07 09:37 AM

oops, not today.

.25 mi, and 100vv. not a good day to fly

SteveG 03-24-07 12:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a few more photos to try and relieve the shades of gray induced winter/early spring doldrums. The first is "Ernie's Island" from 8000' enroute back to the US.

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