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Jerry De Santis 01-15-06 02:27 PM

2006 Meeting
The 2006 Skymaster annual meeting is going to be held in Las Vegas, NV on May 17, 18, 19 & 20th. Plans are being worked out with the Hotel and will be announced in the near future.

The committee decided to have the meeting in Las Vegas so that our friends on the west coast will have an opportunity to join in on the fun,... so dust off your wings and come and join us!

We are also seeking groups, organizations and or individuals that have a subject of interest they would like to present at the meeting to contact our meeting chairmen listed below:

Jerry De Santis: Telephone 269-209-0809 or

Larry Bowdish: Telephone 269-330-8308 or

Let's hear from all of ya!!!

N34EC:D :D :D

Pat Schmitz 01-15-06 08:26 PM

Have you decided on the Airport Location yet? I have contact information for Henderson Executive if you want it - was just there about 3 weeks ago.

They are in the process of adding an all-new ramp - Executive Center, Hangers, etc. (Unless you plan to fly into McCarran?)

Jerry De Santis 01-16-06 05:14 PM

Pat, please send me the contact information you have. I have been in contact with the North L.V. airport and they are very interested in hosting our group however, we have not committed yet.


hharney 01-16-06 10:15 PM

Another thought would be to stay away from the strip & McCarren. It gets really expensive at McCarren. There are lots of distractions on the main strip and it might be nice to be located at one facility that would keep everyone in one place.

Henderson & Boulder City offer nice facilities or Laughlin also is a good area and you could still plan one trip to the strip.

We could always get permission and base at Nellis. Anybody have connections to get us on the base?

WebMaster 01-18-06 09:21 AM

We actually can't land at Nellis. I checked.
Their tour request form says we have to arrive by bus or fly in, and I asked if we could fly in, and they said no.

big al 08 01-19-06 11:27 AM

what about bullhead? free parking, cheaper gas a lot less congested. lot of casinos, cheaper hotel rates. good golf, river activities the pluses go on. north lv is a long way from the strip so rental cars or cab fees. bullhead provides free shuttle service. so if you like high prices, long lines and honk kong type crowds lv is the place

Jerry De Santis 01-19-06 09:43 PM

Hi Big Al 08,

Thanks for the tip on Bullhead, sounds great! Wish you could have informed the group about it at the last meeting so we would have known about it earilier. In any event, I am sure if we selected Bullhead, someone else would come along and suggest Las Vegas.

Hope you can make it to Las Vegas, it would be nice meeting you. Perhaps you can assist the group and volunteer to be the meeting chairperson in year 2007.


kevin 01-21-06 07:44 PM

My apologies to Jerry and Larry. I promised to put an announcement of the meeting on the home page of the site, but have not done so yet. I have not forgotten guys, just overwhelmed.


big al 08 01-23-06 09:06 PM

not to be a friggen pain in the ass;BUT! this was the first time i noticed a posting concerning the annual flyin, or am i incorrect? did'nt relize there was a exec. board who called all the shots. it would have been nice of the persons who were trying to plan to accept input from other partisipants of this bulletin board. maybe post polls, open questions ect. if i were arrogant is would question the center of the universe is centered in michigan but being a drunk mexican i woun't(the last was a joke for some miss my humor). very dissapointing no input was requested.
rick bell.

Ed Coffman 01-23-06 09:48 PM

Big Al,

These guys have done a great job! When the decision making is put out to the general readership all that happens are a million different opinions and arguments and it goes absolutely nowhere. You should've seen the mess and bitchin four years ago. These guys have stepped up to the plate and I for one appreciate the donation of their time and money.

Ed Coffman

stackj 01-23-06 11:04 PM

I also appreciate the effort put in by the VOLUNTEER committees. I would also note that there were many emails sent to a good number of us soliciting opinions as to where the event should be held. We voted ( I think there was even a vote on the web site, but I can't swear to it).

Jerry, Ernie, Paul, Mary, Payton, Kevin...(and I'm sure I must have missed someone) ... Thanks for your work!

WebMaster 01-25-06 01:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
the strip

WebMaster 01-25-06 02:21 PM


Originally posted by kevin
My apologies to Jerry and Larry. I promised to put an announcement of the meeting on the home page of the site, but have not done so yet. I have not forgotten guys, just overwhelmed.


No problem, but, this was supposed to be the message thread about the NEXT SOAPA meeting, May, 2006, Las Vegas. Somehow it got hijacked. I suggest the hijackers start their own thread

Pat Schmitz 01-25-06 02:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is another pix of the strip (from the Mandalay) Let's get some excitement built.

On the topic of Nellis - is there a way we can get a tour of the base while there? That might be an interesting side-trip! Especially for those flying in 0-2's..... I understand they will not allow any fly-ins... but that might be a way to crack that door open a bit... they might be excited to have a flock of 0-2's come in....Great photo opportunity for their website!!

WebMaster 01-25-06 03:03 PM

I have a form, for submittal to Nellis Public Affairs. We can not fly into Nellis. DRATS!!. :( They require that we come by bus. I hope to get this back to them tomorrow.
There are several exciting things we can possibly see. Thoughts from you folks would be good.

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