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Jerry De Santis 10-07-05 12:24 AM

Sounds good to me.


WebMaster 10-07-05 06:47 AM

noon at JXN is good for me too.

hharney 10-07-05 06:22 PM

Great ....................... see ya at noon!


WebMaster 10-09-05 05:21 PM

had a great time.
Thanks Herb

hharney 10-09-05 07:29 PM

I enjoyed it also, Larry. You are a great friend and I value our friendship that has developed.

Interesting day indeed, with two runways in JXN all of sudden one is down due to disabled aircraft and I hurry out on the other runway that is still open and five minutes later it is closed due to disabled aircraft. I am certinly glad no one was injured and sorry you ended up waiting for the airport to open.

Must have been something in the air. Of course landing today with a dirct crosswind at 10-12 knots is not for the inexperienced. That may be the case for the second mishap.

Next time Tammy and I fly to your house and enjoy your company with Kathryn. Hmmm ...... maybe I should just drive down :)

WebMaster 10-10-05 08:42 AM

Well, we never have incidents at Newman's.
It was absolutely incredible watching the second airplane come in. I was holding short, and watched this plane coming in. I commented to the folks with me, "Oh, no this isn't right", and it wasn't. It was absolutely scarry to watch them porpoise. Fortunately, in both incidents, no one was hurt.

I agree, next time you folks should come to our house, with Kathryn there.
I really enjoy the friendship that has developed, as well.


WebMaster 10-12-05 10:19 AM

I looked at the FAA website, and the two accidents were 30 minutes apart. Incredible.

WebMaster 10-26-05 04:38 PM

JXN this weekend?? Anyone??

Jerry De Santis 10-26-05 05:17 PM

What day and what time?


hharney 10-26-05 07:59 PM

I can join on Saturday. Any thoughts of a more exciting destination? Heck, not much happens at JXN .... :)

Just two closed runways after I make the getaway

WebMaster 10-26-05 08:05 PM

Saturday is good for me, also.
If not JXN, where?? Any suggestions??

hharney 10-27-05 08:11 PM

I going to suggest we turn south and cross the boarder into Ohio or Indiana. Maybe we can encourge some of the 337 drivers in those areas to join us.

WebMaster 10-27-05 09:06 PM

Muncie, MIE, is a great place for lunch. Nice airport. Sporty's has hot dogs noon to 2 PM (I69) on Saturday.

Personally, I would like to hear from IN or OH pilots that if we journey to the southern places, we would be joined.

RCR, Rochester Indiana, is a good place for Breakfast. Taxi up to the restaurant.

WebMaster 10-28-05 05:54 PM

Let's meet at JXN at 8:30.
See you there

WebMaster 10-28-05 08:48 PM

oops, change in plans, be there at noon.
That is 12 PM EDT, at the JXN airport.

hharney 10-28-05 09:19 PM

NOON sounds great ..................... JXN

Any other 337 drivers please come and join.

Jerry De Santis 10-29-05 03:35 AM

Flying in the morning with BTL breakfast group but will try to be there at noon. What freq. air to air will be used? 123.40 or what?


hharney 10-29-05 08:12 AM


Jerry De Santis 10-29-05 08:58 AM


WebMaster 10-29-05 06:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Had a good time. 3 formation take offs today.
We were middle of right eschelon formation.
As a result, picture from right side and picture of left side.
Right side, Gerry DeSantis

WebMaster 10-29-05 06:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Herb was flight lead today. Most days. Another picture of Herb

Jerry De Santis 10-30-05 08:35 AM

Wen sites
Larry and Herb...great fly-by at BTL. Lots of noise and awesome looking! Terry took some photos of it and I'll ask him to e-mail them to both of you.

Nice photos Larry!

Here are the two web sites I was telling you about at lunch.

For flyins around the nation: On left side is a on FIND AN EVENT.

For airport homes and lots for sale go to: On the top there is a on AIRPORT GUIDE.

Let me know if you folks are flying next week end.


Keeler 10-30-05 01:39 PM

You guys in the frozen north sure have fun. I am envious. Don't know why we can't duplicate it here in the sunny south. Perhaps once Hurricane season is over.

Nice pictures, thanks for letting all of us see them.


hharney 10-30-05 06:27 PM

Enough about the flying ......... just look at those photos!
Great job Kathryn .... and quickly becoming the premier skymaster air to air photographer.

........... and thanks for lunch.

Not bad for a bunch of Michiganer 337 drivers

We take visitors :)

Kevin B 11-03-05 07:58 AM

HI Guys
I have a new job which will require me to be in Battle Creek at least once a week. Which one of you live in that area ?
I hope to be using the Skymaster to go back and foth from PTK.
Kevin B

Jerry De Santis 11-03-05 08:53 AM

That's me Kevin! Who will you be visiting here in Battle Creek? BTW, I recommend that to fuel up stop at RMY. Eight miles east of BTL and about half dollar cheaper per gallon.than BTL. Larry lives west of AZO and Herb near GRR.


Kevin B 11-03-05 09:17 AM

Jerry I have taken the position of General Manager of Lang and Assoc. The re man shopping carts. I don't think the plant is to far away from the airport.

WebMaster 12-04-05 01:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We do get SNOW in Michigan

WebMaster 12-04-05 01:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Snow on the lens
The person taking pictures said that when I rotated, the wing tip vortices were swirling the snow.
Unfortunately, no picture, just this one.

Jerry De Santis 12-04-05 04:19 PM

Nice pictures Larry! Were you taking off or landing? Tough landing on your field in the summer time nevertheless on snow.

I saw Kevin Saturday at PTK when I was flying in Operation Good Cheer. PTK had so many planes landing and taking off I though I was at O'Hare (ORD) in Chicago. My run was PTK to AZO.


:) :D :D

WebMaster 12-04-05 04:57 PM

Taking off, Jerry.
I passed on Operation Good Cheer, because I was supposed to go to Dallas. That got cancelled, weather, here.
Landing is actually very cool. Nice slow deceleration, don't need brakes much at all. I was hoping he would get a picture as I passed by, but he didn't.

WebMaster 01-28-06 09:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Herb and I out practicing. From the video.

hharney 02-01-06 10:11 PM

While Larry and I were flying the circuit and Carl was taking video of our precise control I noticed that my landing lights were brighter than Larry’s. I have standard aircraft beams and I really don’t know what Larry has in his but the difference is huge. So I was thinking that maybe my lights were aimed differently than what Larry’s are. I decided to take some measurements on my skymaster to see if anyone else was interested in the way mine were aimed. Here is what I found:

On a flat concrete surface (hanger floor) I measured the following:

Center of nose spinner to ground 46 inches
Center of horizontal stabilizer to ground 68 inches
Nose to door 31 inches
Center of taxi light beam 63 inches (on door)
Center of landing light beam 80 inches (on door)

After seeing the video I am sure that you would agree that the lights on my skymaster are much more effective from the ground then the lights on Larry’s. The question is, How do the lights look in the air from another oncoming target? From the takeoff they still look a little brighter but I want to make sure my lights are not pointing down too much but are also effective in the air. Larry, we need to video air to air comparison too.

While on the subject, does any one have the new style low energy super bright aircraft lights? If there is a post on this sorry I should have looked first. Also, how about the pulse light system? Is that effective for traffic awareness?

WebMaster 02-01-06 10:23 PM

Interesting Herb. I'll have to measure mine. Tomorrow.

stackj 02-02-06 05:49 PM

Could it be that one of you had only Taxi lights on while the other had Landing (which would be both taxi and landing)?

WebMaster 02-02-06 08:57 PM

I measured
I put a mark on the floor for 31 inches out.
Nose to ground, 45 1/2 inches
Center Horizontal Stabilizer 64 inches (??)
Center of Landing Lights, 65 inches
Center of Taxi Lights, 64 inches.

The bulbs say GE, no other markings. I suspect that because one of your lights is at 80 inches, that's the difference.

I turned off the lights in the hangar, and moved my hand on the tape measure to where it was centered on the on the wall.

Hint, do not look at the light, in a darkened hangar. Bad thing to do.

I had pulled my plane in last time, so it was pointed at the back wall (actually, I just drove it in, my wife had the door opening when I landed).:D :D

I checked on HID lights. The conventional GE bulbs are $20-$25 each. The HID lights are $500 each.:confused: :eek: :(

hharney 02-03-06 10:18 PM


Originally posted by stackj
Could it be that one of you had only Taxi lights on while the other had Landing (which would be both taxi and landing)?
I had both taxi and landing on
the landing light is at 80 inches
this could be the difference

but I like what I see

hharney 02-03-06 10:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by larry bowdish
[b]I measured
I put a mark on the floor for 31 inches out.
Nose to ground, 45 1/2 inches
Center Horizontal Stabilizer 64 inches (??)
Center of Landing Lights, 65 inches
Center of Taxi Lights, 64 inches.

Larry, your hrizontal is lower than mine.......even with the nose lower? Umm, doesn''t sound right. What size tires do you have?
Did you measure the stabilizer from the leading edge? We should measure the belly to the floor

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