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Richard 02-29-04 08:21 PM

Sending it off Monday. Sounds REALLY exciting.

Ernie Martin 03-07-04 03:07 PM

Flying VFR into OKC
I'm starting to do my VFR flight preparations from Miami to OKC. Are there any tips/suggestions for the OKC approach that Don Nieser or other locals could post here? The OKC area, especially coming in from the Southeast towards PWA (which is to the Northwest of the city) looks like a maze, with the two overlapping Class C airspaces. I assume that it'll be relatively easy, with OKC approach (which I'll call 20NM outside the city or I'll get handed over to them if I can get flight-following the whole way) guiding me all the way from southeast of the city to PWA. Anything the locals want to add?


WebMaster 03-12-04 08:59 AM

Prop Shop

Does anyone know the name of the Prop Shop that we are going to tour.

Jerry De Santis 03-12-04 01:07 PM

Larry, it is my understanding the the name is "THE PROP SHOP"

FRED-E 03-12-04 08:13 PM

The Prop Shop
Yes the name is THE PROP SHOP. it is a small operation on the north east corner of the airport properity. I just though some of you might enjoy seeing the inside of a prop.
Fred Escott is the owner, a very colorful guy, if you don't want to look at props, he will show you his jet motorcycle and his jet golf cart.
We will cook hambugers for lunch.
I hope you will enjoy it. But if there is something else you would rather use that time slot for, just let me know.

WebMaster 03-14-04 07:58 AM

don't change!!!
No, I just wondered if it wasnt' bob's prop shop or something like that. THE PROP SHOP!!!
Yes, I want to see the insides, just not of mine for a while. Enough sticker shock for 1 year.

Jerry De Santis 03-21-04 01:22 PM

Agenda Change
Just to let all know, there has been a slight agenda change on April 22 afternoon at 15:30 to 17:00. Instead of the open discussion, the FAA will put on a presentation for us. Short film and talk. In addition, please see the note for Friday morning, April 23.

Like Larry said, Where are those that voted for the meeting in OLK? Did you just like the idea of voting or, were you serious about attending. Send in the registration, it will be appreciated.

This year's meeting is really shaping up for a great experience. We have so many organizations that want to assist that this could have turned out to be a full week of class sessions and tours. Let's keep it going and attend. It will only make it better for the 2005 meeting whereever it will be held.

Jerry De Santis 03-24-04 06:47 PM

The cut off date of April 2, 2004 is approaching fast. SAVE $25 per person by getting your reg and $50.00 fee in by that date. REMEMBER......................the fee will be $75.00 after April 2.. Don't walk.......Don't to the post office and mail your registration in NOW!!!!

Thus far 19 confirmed. More than enough for a great learning experence and good time, but like to have more. Come on Skymaster drives...treat yourself to a good time. Register and attend the is setup for you!!!! 03-24-04 09:24 PM

meeting maybe
Hope to attend meeting but probably won't know for another week. Lost turbo on front engine and waiting for replacement to arrive. If it gets here next week and installation and check out goes good I will be there. Guess I may have to spend the extra $25 if things run late. Story of my life lately but stuuf happens. Will let you know.

hewilson 03-25-04 01:14 AM

I'll be there
I'm not even a real pilot yet, just a wannabe. Looks like a great lineup. I am very much looking forward to the presentations and to meeting real Skymaster drivers. Walter Simendinger has even so kindly offered to take me for a ride in his 336. I'm "stoked" as we former '70s surfers say. I hope more of you can make it. Should be educational and a hoot!

Jerry De Santis 03-25-04 05:56 AM

It will be! And, you get to meet and make friends with nice people.:D :cool: :cool: :cool:

SteveG 03-31-04 05:27 PM

I had been hanging back, delaying an attendence decision, hoping that the program quality and the overwhelming number of pilots and planes would make missing SNF a good tradeoff. With the present number of registrations, I feel like I ought to show up just as a show of support for the concept and for the hard work of the organizers to make this event happen. Accordingly, the check is in the mail. See you all in a couple of weeks. Steve G.

kevin 03-31-04 06:19 PM

Great Steve, thanks! See you there...


Jim Rainer 04-01-04 12:34 PM

PWA Meeting
Mine's in the mail too.

kevin 04-01-04 01:44 PM

Whoo hoo! (As Bart would say.)



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