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GMAs 10-21-02 12:11 AM

Oh.. I second it... but,.....
wait till someone finds out that cessna and cont engine reps are going to be their too... :))

the real thing is how many planes are going to fly their... skyking... you coming with your plane.. kevin... you coming too... Bob.. you going to come... ?? ya the reservations are going to be the thing... we need to decide if we want to stay on the strip... or at NLV... close to the field...

Also... their are discounts for the mechanics and like... so if we do.. we will pass out the magic numbers etc...

and the people from Getaways and GANN are also wanting to do a story on us at the meeting... I have explaned that so long as they don't interfear with the goings on... it would be great... we'll see.. what happens...

the ball is in the air... who is next...


GMAs 10-21-02 12:08 PM

And we got this.....
G M...
The weather is always good in Las Vegas; sometimes it just a little warmer than others :-) We have some ramp re-working to do and it will probably be underway
in May when you are planning to be here. If you will give me a contact name and number, I will call you in a couple of weeks, when I hopefully know a little
more information than I do today, and we'll do our best to work things out so we can accommodate your fly-in on the dates you want.

10/19/02 11:41:19 AM >>>
thanks Diana... for the reply.. I think I made a mistake in the groups web address though... it should be .org instead of .com.. smile... thanks again I posted the
notice on the web and it is being considered as to the date ... it look like May is a good time... how is the weather over their then?... and is their any large group
or events planed during may... thanks again for all.. G.M>

Hmmmmmm.... I think we have a new friend for our meeting... smile.. thanks Diana for the info... G.M>GMAs

Jerry De Santis 10-24-02 09:21 PM

Nashville Meeting
Well folks, it appears our tech advisor has left the board and I know I will miss his expert advise. George has always given his best advise with the best of intentions to keep our planes flying safely. Never-the-less, life goes on and we can all still achieve that goad by helping each other by informing those needing help on a particular problem how we solved the problem with our own Skymasters. The more input we get the better we will be in knowing how to take care of these planes. Having said that, I am still willing to host a meeting in Nashville, Tn. this coming spring. I figure a good round table discussion with a specific agenda can help us all. Yes! we can combine it with off-meeting fun too! Say dinner on the General Jackson etc. If enough people are interested, I will ask my IA if he would come and assist with problem solving. I am sure if we paid his hotel room and meals he will join us. By the way, he is very experienced and has total maint. control over my plane. He does a great job. All who are interested in this meeting please let the rest of us know via this board. In addition, please send me an e-mail at:

Cheers to all!

Ernie Martin 10-25-02 06:03 PM


Been away a week in the Bahamas. Missed all the fireworks. Count me in for Nashville.


Dale Campbell 10-26-02 09:59 AM

Count me in. Dale Campbell

Guy Paris 10-26-02 10:25 AM

COUNT ME IN....ASH-N79-GAS-BNA-808nm. courtesy of... ...Guy....old72driver....(will the bird make it?)..........

Jerry De Santis 10-27-02 08:47 AM

Nashville Meeting
Nashville meeting starting to shape up!!!

Thus far five (5) planes are going to Nashville, Tn for a Skymaster meeting. Those pilots are:

Jerry De Santis Michigan
Ernie Martin Florida
Guy Paris New Hampshire
Dale Campbell Pennsylvania
John Noone New Jersey

Meeting month will be either April or May. Hotel and meeting place to be announced. Sign on and come on down. this is going to be a good agenda round table discussion on how to take care of your Skymaster. Please reply on the board and also send me an e-mail at

Jerry De Santis

stackj 10-27-02 07:01 PM

Cool! and... close to home
Jenny and I will attend if there is any way to fit it in. Surely hope it works out as we've both been looking forward to meeting some of our new friends in person. The pilot for this one will most likely be Jenny Stack. On rare occasions, she will let me (Jim) fly.

Looking forward to it!

Jerry De Santis 10-27-02 07:55 PM

Meeting growing.
The number of planes and people planning on attending the Nashville meeting is growing. The count is now seven (7) planes with the addition of:

Don Hickman....Indiana
Jenny Stack......

The 2nd week of April is being considered. Don't waste time. If you want to learn how to care for you plane without spending a ton of money, plan to attend. The more people that come the more info that will be shared.

Jerry:D :D

hharney 10-30-02 09:14 PM


Jerry De Santis 10-30-02 11:02 PM

eight and climbing
The number of Skymasters planning to go to the Nashville meeting is now eight with the addition of:

Herbert Harney N712JF Michigan

If you have not signed up yet do so soon.

Jerry:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Jim Rainer 10-31-02 10:45 AM

BNA meeting
Have the dates been set for the BNA meeting?

hharney 10-31-02 10:55 AM


kevin 10-31-02 12:14 PM

BNA is the three letter id for Nashville.


Jerry De Santis 10-31-02 01:13 PM

Nashville Dates
The dates for the Nashville meeting will be setup in the next week. I will post them when done.


A smile for each Skymaster that is going thus far.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Jerry De Santis 10-31-02 06:38 PM

Where are you guys?
Bob Cook and Larry Bowdish, where are you guys. sure would be nice if you could join us in Nashville in early April. Please let me know.


hharney 10-31-02 10:10 PM



Jerry De Santis 11-01-02 10:09 PM

nine and growing
Nashville meeting is growing. It stands at nine with the addition of

Bob Cook.......Canada/T.C.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Jerry De Santis 11-01-02 10:18 PM

AHA!!! Ten
A few minutes ago it was it's ten. Chachi from Panama sent me an e-mail and said he is going to try to make it to Nashville...:D

Eustacio Fabrega(Chachi)........Panama

Ten Smiles....:D ------------------------->:D

Bob Cook 11-01-02 11:02 PM

attending Nashville

Per my email I will not be available until after the 14th of April as I will be on the west coast. I cannot make a commitment until you have established a date.
Regarding the meeting.

1) Who is going to be moderator?
2) Who is doing the organizing and planning ?
3) Is there any proposed outline for the weekend?
4) Is this meant to be a social event ?

It's fine to meet in Nashville but I think there needs to be some serious planning to insure those travelling some distance are going find this a positive experience.

Just to meet and exchange information in a hotel room doesn't appear to make a lot of sense, especially if GMAS is not going to show..

What are your ideas?

I think this needs to be addressed. I know my other half does not want to sit in hotel for the weekend.

Other thoughts

Perhaps we need some people to pick a subject and do a one hour session each. IE fuel, engines, airframe, inspection etc. I do not know who you can get that will organize two days of courses and prepare for the same.

I wouldn't consider trying to attract outsiders (beyond the board) without having at least a course outline.

More thought must be put into this unless you have some ideas we are not aware of, or is this just a fly-in?


Jerry De Santis 11-02-02 03:31 AM

Nashville Meeting
Bob, answers to your question:

1, I will moderate the meeting.

2, Since no one stepped up to the plate, I am doing the
planning and organizing. Would you like to help in that

3, Outline is being developed. Spoke with Riley Super-
Skyrocket people who is considering sending a person
re tech. participation. Plan to get someone from Cont.
engines as well.

4, Since we are all big boys and girls, I believe to be worth
while, the meeting should revolve around the tech aspects
of the Skymaster. Socialize in the evening one night and
the second night whatever each person whats to do they do.

I am checking out some good hotels for the meeting. Until I establish who will attend the meeting to assist on the tech. side of things, I will leave the agenda open for a few more weeks. I requested Gmas but I have received no response. I am also checking on other tech. people to go to the meeting.

Ernie Martin 11-02-02 10:19 AM

Bob is right and I'm willing to help out. Can moderate or lead some sessions. I already offered my help in organizing the meet. Also suggest hands-on sessions at the ramp and perhaps demonstration flying. We can get a Skymaster-savvy A&P from the area or perhaps my guy will come out with me.

In any event, I think it can be both instructive and lots of fun.


WebMaster 11-02-02 12:03 PM

We'll be there. I'll be there for sure, and probably Kathryn, as well. We do have access to the net, here in our apartment on the upper east side. Jerry, you're right, Bagels with cream cheese and locks (sp?) for breakfast, what a treat.
It has been hectic, so I haven't had a chance to post.
Hip surgery went well for Kathryn.
Humorous Story. Flight plan in or out of Teterboro is a joke, because they change it as soon as you call up clearance. We came in here Friday night, went to Jamestown on Sunday for a seminar, came back in here late Sunday night. Huge tail winds, 190+ kts over the ground, at 5K. Coming up to TEB, we dropped from 5K to 3K, and had to do turn south, because we were overtaking a Citation, that was on final for TEB!!. Had to extend seriously south. Even with gear down, we were cooking along, until we turned north and got lower. Wednesday, moved to plane to Bridgeport (BDR), tie down is free, train station is 15 min away, $9 ride into the city. TEB tie down is $25/d. Anyway, they vectored me out to the west, then to white plains, then CMK, then BDR. what should have been a 25 min flight took 1.25Hrs!!
Surgery was fantastically successful, and Kathryn is "home" here in NYC.

Don Hickman 11-02-02 01:10 PM

Leave it to Dive Bomber to overtake a Citation!

Glad to hear the surgery went well for Kathryn.

Keven 11-02-02 01:14 PM

So, what's the date?

Kudos to you for taking the bull by the horns. I've been covered up lately and not been participating much on the Board. Anyway . . .

I can't get Allie Cat excited about Nashville, but would like to come if I can get a kitchen pass. So . . . I need to know what specific dates we're looking at so I can start lobbying at home.

Any concrete ideas or suggestions?

May is not great for me, but it looks like April has been the month of choice so far anyway. Anything decided yet on dates?



Jerry De Santis 11-02-02 02:48 PM

BNA Meeting Information
Okay folks.....Here is some preliminary information for the Skmaster meeting in Nashville.

Wednesday April 23, 2003 arrive Nashville, Tn (BNA)
by 17:00 hours.

A dinner reception will be held Wednesday evening
(Time and location to be announced)

Thursday April 24, 2003 meeting in hotel conference room:

09:00 to 10:30 Tech. presentation by guess speakers.
10:30 to 10:50 Break
10:50 to 12:00 Tech. session con't
12:00 to 13:30 Lunch
13:30 to 15:30 Tech. session con't
15:30 to 15:50 Break
15:50 to 16:30 Tech. session con't

Thursday evening for those interest....Dinner show
on the General Jackson.

Friday April 25, 2003 meeting in hotel conference room:

Meeting times same as Thursday's schedule:

Friday evening: No plans...Do as you please.

Saturday April 26, 2003. Meeting begines at 09:00 at the
airport with a Skymaster for hands on learning. IA's will be
available to answer questions on "YOUR SKYMASTER"
This session will go as long as you want.

I invite constructive idea and topics.

I am negotiating with the Marriot Nashville Hotel for group rates and conference room....dinner reception. The sooner I know who and the number of people the sooner I can firm things up.

Thus far, I have lined up potentially three different guess speakers to participate in the Tech. session. Any of you Pilots, A&P or IA's that will attend and like to assist in taking a particular subject to speak about please let me know the subject and time needed.

Send e-mails to

Thanks a bunch!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

WebMaster 11-02-02 02:53 PM

dive bomber
Don, those Citations got nothing on a Skymaster when we're both down low, except burning a lot of gas!!!
Jerry, looks good.

Rickskymaster 11-02-02 05:00 PM

Nashville or Bust
I will be attending the Nashville event, I would like to see Owen Bell be on the agenda, since he lives right there.
Now if Owen can only find the place were meeting?
Rick Galvin

Jerry De Santis 11-02-02 08:57 PM

Telephone number
Ernie, I can use the help. lease e-mail me your phone number and a good time to contact you.
My e-mail is
Also, Do you know how to get in contact with Owen Bell?


WebMaster 11-02-02 11:32 PM

owen bell
On the web pages page, of this site, is this information

Aviation Enterprises
Whites Creek, TN 37189
Ph 615/ 865-1802 Fax 615/ 865-9164 email

Jerry De Santis 11-03-02 08:51 AM

Nashville Meeting
Okay folks, the dates and times are set. The agenda is being developed and as it matures I will post it. With the potential guess speakers on an array of topics being lined up, this meeting is going to shape up to be a great learning experience. Beside the class room tech sessions, hands on at the airport will take place. As of this morning, with those planes that have committed to go to Nashville plus the two potential attendees as shown below, we equal the past T.C. meeting. If I recall, there were only 13 Skymasters at T.C but more than 40 people. Bob please correct me if that is in error.

Here's a list of the pilots that plan to attend

Dale Campbell..........................Pa.
Ernie Martin..............................Fl
Guy Paris..................................NH
Jerry De Santis.........................Mi
John Noone..............................NJ
Don Hickman............................In
Jenny Stack........................Unknown
Herb Harney.............................Mi
Larry Bowdish..........................Mi
Eustacio Fabrega.....................Panama
Rick Gavin................................Md

The following are potentials

Bob Cook..........................Canada & T.C.

If any of you have a particular experience of a problem with your skymaster and expert advice to share with the others on how it was solved,....Please let me know and I will slot time on the agenda.

If any information noted above is wrong re names and location please let me know so I can correct it. Also, Please send me an e-mail confirming your " N number ".

I have spoken with the people at Mercury Air Center on Nashville Int'l (BNA), and they will park all of us together near hangar -2. This spot has good access to our planes for the Saturday session.

Jerry N34EC
:D :D :D

stackj 11-03-02 09:40 AM

N Number & Location
Jenny and Jim Stack - Richmond, VA - N2362S - C337B (1967)

Guy Paris 11-03-02 10:15 AM

Guy's N number and location
Guy Paris, old72driver.... 1977 337G N1312L Nashua NH. (ASH)

Ernie Martin 11-03-02 10:50 AM


Sending separate e-mail with some of the info you requested. But here is the TC attendance info (ignoring kids): 39 people (including wifes and GMAs) and 11 Skymasters.


11-08-02 12:47 PM

Dear Jerry,
I believe that I will be attending (bit far in future for me to plan definitely) and will bring my 3 bladed composites for display and flying on my skymaster. Would love to talk about them on Friday or Saturday since I probably won,t get there till Friday.

Thanks Les

11-08-02 12:51 PM

Sorry it,s a 68 C337 N2636S with probably 4 on board to include 2 wives if I am going to be able to go

Thanks Les

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