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Richard 07-20-03 02:10 AM

Interesting that this is a common theme. I lost the front engine 10k ft. Sheared the rocker studs on two cylinders. Had 109 hours on a factory reman. Scared me senseless. Nearest airport was 28 miles away. I didn't really panic until I saw all the emergancy equiptment coming twards the airport.

Had automotive fuel put in my plane.... The rear engine didn't like it. Couldn't keep it running at altitude. Vapor locking I'm guessing.

SkyKing 07-20-03 03:54 PM

You're JOKING, right?
Why would you EVER put automotive fuel in a Skymaster? Does not the manufacturer of both the engine and the airplane give adequate notice in the POH under "LIMITATIONS", or has the trend to not read reached epedimic proportions?

Both the POH and TCM Operator's Manual clearly articulate the "minimum grade aviation fuel for this engine is 100LL or 100. In case the grade required is not available, use a HIGHER rating. NEVER USE A LOWER RATED FUEL."

Gee, why not just put turbine fuel in it....DUH!


Richard 07-20-03 04:20 PM

We are still investigating it. Apparently the FBO was trying to make a little more money that weekend.

SkyKing 07-20-03 04:45 PM

Oh, please...
Excuse me, but if you're alleging the FBO "wanted to make a litle more money that weekend," why would they fill your airplane with auto-gas —which is a whole lot cheaper than AvGas? How does that make them more money? Your story seems to have a few holes in it. And you own a Skymaster?


Jim Rainer 07-20-03 06:40 PM

Simple. Mix autogas with avgas and sell it for the price of avgas.

SkyKing 07-20-03 08:30 PM

FBO Mixing Auto/AvGas?
Well, if that's indeed the case, then you have the basis for both FEDERAL and STATE CRIMES being committed and a tort claim for damages to boot! Any FBO that would commit that kind of act has certainly stuck it out to get it whacked off big time, and I just don't see that happening unless they're completely stupid. But, given the current landscape of the seemingly engrained 'Enron' type corporate greed and theft, no matter the domestic laws, time for a complaint to the U.S. Attorney's Office and the local County Prostitutor AND a Lawsuit! GO GET 'EM!


Jerry De Santis 07-20-03 08:38 PM

bab gas
Richard, If what I am reading is true, Skyking has a real point here! If you are going to stand behind that issue, post the FBO's name and location so the rest of us don't experience the same thing.


SkyKing 07-20-03 10:10 PM

Inquiring Minds Want to Know...
WHO SOLD THE BAD GAS, Richard? We all need to know in order that someone else doesn't fall prey to this scam! At stake is someone's Life, Limb and Property... this is not a time to be hesitant.

And Richard, I might owe you a small apology... from reading your initial post on the autogas in your Skymaster, it DID appear from your usage of the King's English that YOU were the one that compelled your plane to ingest autogas. But since you later said you were 'investigating' the matter, that points to a CRIME, and we all need to be watchful for this kind of crap being pulled by some unscrupulous fixed base operator.

Let's have a name and location, at least, where you bought the fuel that you believe you had a problem with.

As the saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"


Richard 07-21-03 10:09 PM

I can tell you what the signs are for auto mixed in with the av fuel. In one day 12 planes started leaking fuel. Apparently auto fuel eats up alot of the fuel system components. This happened about 8 months ago. One of the plane owners is an attorney. He's got the suit started. I don't think it is my best interest to mention who the FBO was at this time.

Also, when auto is mixed with AV fuel, it has a citrus smell from the exhaust.

Interesting though, the front ran fine. The rear would vapor lock at 9k and above, or 23" mp and higher.

Kevin McDole 07-22-03 12:59 AM


Let me try asking the question another way ...

Without accusing anyone of anything or implying fault or blame, can you tell us the name of the FBO that lawyer is suing?

kevin 07-22-03 09:25 AM


Let's let this dog lie. Posting the name of the FBO could very well get me mail from attorneys that I don't want, and I appreciate Richard not posting it.

If you want to communicate with Richard privately about this, I think that would be best.

Remember, I operate this site at no charge to anyone, and I don't need hassles from it.

Thank you.


Jim Rainer 07-22-03 11:11 AM

Auto Fuel
You are absolutely right, Kevin!

SkyKing 07-22-03 10:47 PM

F-E-A-R Factor?

While it's your website, I believe your FEAR is wholly unfounded.

Why is it so easy to sell out to 'FEAR' when an important issue such as this comes up? For Heaven sake, knowing 'WHO' the alleged or suspect FBO is could very well SAVE someone's LIFE, LIMB or PROPERTY! Isn't this MORE important than the fear of receiving mail from attorney's? So what if you receive mail from an attorney? You're only doing a public service!

I've asked the question and Kevin McDole has asked the question... and we ALL need an answer. After all, court records are VERY much a PUBLIC RECORD, and we are all inquiring minds of the 'public' and we have every right to know.

Personally, I don't think it's fair to withhold important public safety information on account of the 'FEAR FACTOR'.


FRED-E 07-23-03 11:23 AM

I agree with you Kevin, if you must know, use the E-Mail
Fred N358

SkyKing 07-24-03 12:16 AM

Something Smells ROTTEN...
OK GANG, it's time to THINK, THINK, THINK! Personally, I think we ALL need to take our 'Rose Colored Glasses' OFF our face and take a REAL CLOSE look at this queer deal that Richard alleges, i.e., that some 'crooked' FBO put autogas mixed with AvGas into his Skymaster. Now, do you all really buy into that? I DON'T, and here's why: First of all, the FBO is insured to the SKY(smith) and must meet all sorts of Federal and State permitting ---just to HAVE an AvGas facility. You mean to tell me, Richard, that your little old FBO just decided they needed to 'make more money', so they started pouring autogas into their B-I-G tank, mixing it in with their supply of BRANDED AvGas, obviously supplied by one of the Big Three, Chervon, AirBP, or AvFuel ? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS, MY FRIENDS! Someone is smoking us BIG TIME. What FBO can YOU personally think of that would CHANCE putting autogas in their aviation storage tanks and take the EXPOSURE of going directly to jail for a wrongful death suit, huh? The FAA gets really pissie about people playing games with fuel... so Richard, I think it's time you come out of the closet and come clean... tell us the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help you God!

LISTEN UP! I think what really happened here is that ol' Richard put the autogas in his Skymaster ALL BY HIMSELF, and now he's crying 'FIRE'. Hey, it ain't gonna happen. Can you imagine the LIABILITY of the AvGas supplier and the fricking lawsuits that would emerge if, in fact, we were to 'buy-in' to Richard's ALLEGED 'storyline'? Time for a reality check folks... this ain't no time to be joking around with fairytales.


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