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Jerry De Santis 09-12-02 09:26 PM

vote count
I don't know how the vote count will end up, but if it turns out that Nashville, Tn becomes the spot, I will arrange the meet. Just give me a date to shoot for.

It is however paramount that George (Gmas) attend and if he chooses to fly commercial, a surcharge on all attending should be determined to pay for his airline ticket. He gives away free to us all a lot of knowledge and to be quite frank, without George it will only end up as a flyin. The surcharge amount will depend on the number of people attending the session. If 20 attend the session, I will guess the charge will only be around $20.00 per person. That sure beats the CPA cost.

Bob Cook 09-13-02 09:06 AM

re meeting

It takes time ! and a lot of effort to put something together. It seems that once you put a question to 30 people there are going to be 31 different responses.

so what is new...........

I suggest one or two step up to the plate and proceed with organizing as we did last year.

I give up.


Bob Cook

Ernie Martin 09-13-02 01:26 PM

OK, Bob, I'll step to the plate. I vote for Jerry's suggestion of Nashville, TN sometime in the spring of 2003, with GMAs' attendance supported by a surcharge on attendees. If Jerry will organize, I will help, including posting a series of web pages with activities, attendees, flight directions, etc. as I did for the Bahamas meeting (see

So, I invite those who like a Nashville location to post comments here on their likelyhood of attending.


Ed Coffman 09-13-02 01:41 PM

As I said earlier, if someone has the guts to take the time to put one of these together I will be there if at all possible. Nashville is fine. Thanks

Ed Coffman

GMAs 09-13-02 02:39 PM

Yoo.... Well... hold on their a minuite Pilgrum...
We are not starting to set anything up yet... this is a survey to see where in the country that one would like to see the meeting at... I think some are already planing it before the area is chosen...

While is a good effort to volenteer and we all know ... its a lot of work to put one one.. and some would like to have it... as suggested in their back yard... I think what were trying to do here is find out exactly where it would be convient to have one... by location...

After we get the area then I think we need to look at the micro stuff...

I would think if in fact that the midwest or Northwest.. or back down at the islands.. or mexico... is selected and ... if the area doesn't support our kind of requests.. then we will start to put it out with the add.. looking for a place.. kinda thing...

Maybe Guy might be able to pull up one of whitmakers old newsletters and let us know what he did back then... Please Guy could you look... as my back copies are in storage from the move.. Thanks.. but, lets find out where everyone thinks is a good location... first... G.M> GMAs

Guy Paris 09-23-02 07:04 PM

What Dick did...
Well this is what I get for not looking/reading all the posts. Will start looking thru Dicks letters and get back to you.Sure was interesting all the comments on A/P, storm scope, radar, oil quanitys, etc. Guy.... old72driver....

Dale Campbell 09-24-02 10:03 AM

Vote Again
Since I fly out of north eastern Penna. I vote for Nashville,Tn..My business would let me go there much easier. Where exactly do you vote, I can't find the spot.

kevin 09-24-02 11:49 AM

Just go to the top of this thread, above the first message. There should be a button there that will take you to a screen that will let you vote. The button disappears once you have voted once.

Note: Since this is now a multipage thread, you will have to click on the little "1" in the lower left hand corner after the last message on the screen to get to the first page of messages. The place to vote is at the top of that list.

Blue skies,


WebMaster 09-27-02 02:41 PM

hey, Kevin, this thing only lets me vote once!! What gives ;)
Just a thought!!

kevin 09-27-02 05:39 PM

Sorry Larry, I must be thick, I didn't get the point of your message. Maybe in small words for the slow-witted (me).


Bob Cook 09-27-02 08:20 PM

Larry - it's Friday!

For those on the west coast; they are always the last to see the sun go down..

In fact they are sleeping when we on the east coast see the "light".

not to worry.......


Don Hickman 09-27-02 10:37 PM

Hey, guys! I'm back in Mexico to survey the damage done by hurricane Isidore so I vote that you all come on down here! And tropical storm Lili is forecast to become a hurricane by the time it gets to the west end of Cuba and that's only 80 miles from me. Looks like I may get my wish to see a real hurricane if I don't get out of here.

Bob Cook 09-27-02 10:42 PM


I went thru Floyd. Don't play around. Get out! They are not to be reckoned with.

fly safe


rick bell 10-03-02 11:14 PM

maybe after a resonable time we should pick the top three and vote again, as of now it is an even spread

Jerry De Santis 10-09-02 01:17 PM

I made the offer before and I am still willing to setup a meeting in Nashville, Tn in the springtime. I am waiting for the nod from George (GAMS) that he will attend. Please let me know how many are interested in Nashville, Tn.

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